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Alternative accommodation is Samburu

Samburu Kenya Safaris

Elephant Watch Camp

Call Us Now +254 785 639 497

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“Join us at Elephant Watch Camp and be a part of the conservation movement to protect these magnificent creatures! Book your stay now and experience the beauty of Samburu National Reserve firsthand while contributing towards the preservation of elephants. Together, let’s create a brighter future for these gentle giants. Act now and make a difference!”

Experience the Magic of the Wild at Elephant Watch Camp

Immerse yourself in the raw beauty of Samburu, Kenya, with a stay at the exquisite Elephant Watch Camp. Nestled in the heart of the African bush, this eco-friendly camp is a sanctuary for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

  • Home to some of Africa’s largest elephants
  • Unique game drives and elephant watching experiences
  • Elegant and spacious tents with stunning views
  • Gourmet cuisine and personalized service
  • Strong commitment to wildlife protection
  • Support the local community and conservation efforts
Elephant Watch Camp samburu Accommodation

Stay in one of our exclusive, handcrafted tents designed to blend seamlessly into the surrounding environment without sacrificing comfort or style. Wake up to the gentle sounds of nature and breathtaking views every morning of your stay.

Accommodation at Elephant Watch Camp

Connect with our friendly staff to plan your unforgettable journey into the wild.

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Savor dishes crafted from the freshest local ingredients and dine under the starlit African sky. Every meal at Elephant Watch Camp is an event in itself, celebrating the fusion of flavors from the continent.

Explore Our Specialized Rates Here:

Embark on a journey that goes beyond the traditional safari. At Elephant Watch Camp, we provide a suite of activities designed to give you an intimate and unforgettable experience of the African wilderness. Here’s a glimpse into the adventures that await you:

Safari activities at Samburu

Prepare to see Samburu’s wildlife like never before. Our game drives are tailored to ensure you feel a personal connection with the African bush. Accompanied by experienced guides, you may encounter:

  • The majestic Samburu elephants
  • Lions, leopards, and cheetahs in their natural habitat
  • Rich birdlife, from the superb starling to the martial eagle

Walk among the wild with our guided nature treks. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about the smaller yet fascinating aspects of the ecosystem that are often overlooked during game drives.

  • Discover medicinal plants and their uses
  • Track animal prints and learn tracking skills
  • Engage in the subtleties of birdwatching
  • Experience the Samburu’s profound connection with the land

Gain insight into the Samburu culture with a respectful visit to nearby villages. Immerse yourself in their traditions, dances, and learn about the community’s way of life.

  • Witness the iconic Samburu warrior dance
  • Participate in bead-making and traditional crafting
  • Support the community by purchasing authentic souvenirs

Our camp is intimately tied to conservation efforts. Participate in educational sessions and get up-close with elephant herds under the careful supervision of our conservationists.

  • Learn about elephant behavior and social structure
  • Contribute to ongoing research and conservation projects
  • Understand the challenges of wildlife conservation in Kenya

Experience the romance of Africa with meals set in the breathtaking wilderness of Samburu. Enjoy a sundowner cocktail as the sky turns a myriad of colors and dine under the stars.

  • Feast on gourmet bush breakfasts and dinners
  • Share stories around a traditional campfire
  • Bask in the serenity of the bush with panoramic views

As night falls, the African sky reveals a spectacular display of stars. Our guides will help you navigate the constellations and share tales from Samburu astronomy.

  • Identify constellations and planets with the naked eye
  • Learn about the myths and legends tied to the stars
  • Enjoy the tranquility of the Samburu night sky

Capture the essence of your safari with photography workshops led by professionals. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned photographer, learn tips and tricks to take stunning wildlife and landscape photos.

  • Understand wildlife behavior for taking dynamic shots
  • Master composition and lighting in the bush environment
  • Take home memories captured through your lens

Embrace a multifaceted safari experience that engages all your senses, educates, and leaves a lasting impression. The adventures at Elephant Watch Camp promise to enrich your understanding and appreciation of the wild and the wonderful creatures that call it home.

Our rates are designed to provide an all-inclusive experience that allows you to relax and connect with the majestic Samburu landscape. Your stay comprises full board accommodation, thrilling excursions, and all the amenities necessary for a comfortable adventure.

  • Standard Tent
    • Adult Sharing: $1,335
    • Child: $1,070
    • Single: $1,835
  • Conservancy Fee
    • Adult/Single: $100
    • Child: $70
  • Total Cost for an Immersive Experience
    • Adult Sharing: $1,435
    • Child: $1,140
    • Single: $1,935

Inclusions: Accommodations, meals, beverages, game drives, guided walks, conservation donations, and more.

Exclusions: Personal expenses, gratuities, specialized activities, and additional services.

Visit our gallery to see more of what awaits you at Elephant Watch Camp or explore our rates to start planning your trip. For inquiries or to reserve your spot, click here.

Find out more about our rates and make your reservation today.

The adventure doesn’t have to end here. Discover additional exclusive retreats and conservation efforts in Samburu by exploring these wonderful camps and lodges:

Make your dream safari a reality with Elephant Watch Camp – where luxury meets the wild!

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