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Safari accommodation

Ol Pejeta House, Nanyuki

Ol Pejeta House, Nanyuki

Ol Pejeta House boasts a vibrant and fascinating past that can be traced back to the 1950s. Throughout the years, it has witnessed Ol Pejeta Conservancy’s evolution from a colonial cattle farm to becoming East Africa’s largest black rhino sanctuary and a hub for conservation innovation. In recognition of its exceptional qualities, Ol Pejeta House has been honored with the esteemed Bravo Badge by TripAdvisor, following an excellent rating given by the 33rd traveler.

Once the Conservancy began as a cattle estate over 65 years ago, Ol Pejeta House served as the residence of the Ranch Manager. It hosted numerous colonial parties in its heyday, boasting a collection of reception rooms, including a sophisticated drawing room adorned with a grand fireplace and several picturesque verandas that encircle the entire house. Currently, Serena Hotels oversees the management of this historic mansion and its sprawling grounds, transforming it into a lavish retreat for visitors to the Conservancy.

An Exquisite Retreat with Majestic Views: Book Your Stay Today!

Why not experience the allure of this place by booking your visit today? The lodging options consist of a private guest cottage, two luxurious master suites, and two inviting guest bedrooms. Additionally, the property boasts two private swimming pools and a delightful outdoor dining area with a barbecue. Set against the breathtaking silhouette of Mt. Kenya, the House is conveniently located near numerous prime game viewing spots in the Conservancy. Don’t miss out on discovering what all the excitement is about!

Why Visit?

Ol Pejeta House is perfect for those looking to experience the beauty of African wildlife while enjoying top-notch comfort and hospitality. The combination of luxurious living and the chance to see some of Africa’s most iconic animals makes for an unforgettable experience.

What are some of the safari activities available at Ol Pejeta House in Nanyuki?

Ol Pejeta House, situated in the renowned Ol Pejeta Conservancy, offers a range of exciting safari activities for guests to enjoy. Here’s a glimpse into what you can do during your stay:

  • Game Drives: Ol Pejeta Conservancy is famous for its abundant wildlife, including the Big Five. Guided game drives provide a thrilling way to see lions, elephants, rhinos, buffaloes, and leopards in their natural habitat. Whether you opt for an early morning or late afternoon drive, you’re in for a memorable experience.
  • Guided Bush Walks: For a more intimate experience with nature, take a guided bush walk. Accompanied by an experienced ranger, you’ll learn about the flora, fauna, and smaller creatures that make the ecosystem thrive. It’s a fantastic way to gain a deeper understanding of the conservancy.
  • Night Game Drives: Discover the nocturnal wonders of Ol Pejeta on a night game drive. This unique safari experience allows you to spot animals that are active after dark, such as hyenas, aardvarks, and possibly even leopards on the hunt.
  • Rhino Sanctuary Visits: Ol Pejeta is home to the largest black rhino sanctuary in East Africa. Visit the rhino sanctuary to get up close with these magnificent creatures and learn about the conservancy’s efforts in rhino conservation and anti-poaching initiatives.
  • Chimpanzee Sanctuary: Don’t miss the chance to visit the Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary, the only place in Kenya where you can see these incredible primates. The sanctuary provides refuge for orphaned and abused chimpanzees from West and Central Africa.
  • Bird Watching: With over 300 bird species recorded in Ol Pejeta Conservancy, bird watching is a rewarding activity for enthusiasts. From colorful bee-eaters to majestic eagles, there’s a diverse array of birdlife to observe and photograph.
  • Horseback Riding: Experience the thrill of riding alongside wildlife with a horseback safari. This unique activity offers a different perspective of the plains and allows for close encounters with animals while maintaining a low impact on the environment.
  • Cycling Safaris: For the adventurous, cycling safaris are available, offering a dynamic way to explore the conservancy. Ride through the scenic landscapes and encounter wildlife along the way, guided by expert rangers.
  • Cultural Visits:Engage with the local community through cultural visits. Learn about the traditions and way of life of the indigenous people who live around the conservancy and support community-based projects.
  • Photography Safaris: Capture the breathtaking scenery and wildlife with a photography safari. Whether you’re a professional or amateur photographer, you’ll have ample opportunities to take stunning shots of the diverse landscapes and animals.
  • Bush Breakfasts and Sundowners:Elevate your dining experience with a bush breakfast or sundowner. Enjoy a delicious meal in the heart of the wild, surrounded by nature’s beauty. It’s a perfect way to start or end your day in Ol Pejeta.

Which are the other Ol Pejeta Conservancy Camps and Lodges?

When visiting Ol Pejeta Conservancy, you have a variety of accommodation options that cater to different tastes and preferences. Here is a list of notable camps and lodges within the conservancy:

  1. Ol Pejeta House
    • A historic mansion managed by Serena Hotels, offering luxurious suites and guest rooms.
  2. Sweetwaters Serena Camp
    • A luxurious tented camp located around a waterhole, providing excellent wildlife viewing opportunities.
  3. Porini Rhino Camp
    • An eco-friendly camp situated in a private area of the conservancy, known for its intimate and authentic safari experience.
  4. Kicheche Laikipia Camp
    • A small and exclusive camp offering an intimate bush experience with personalized service and exceptional wildlife encounters.
  5. Pelican House
    • A charming private holiday home offering self-catering and serene surroundings, ideal for families and small groups.
  6. The Stables
    • Affordable and comfortable accommodation for budget travelers, located within a short distance from the main gate.
  7. Mutara Tented Camp
    • A luxury tented camp located on the northern edge of the conservancy, providing an exclusive and serene environment.

Each of these accommodations offers unique features and experiences, ensuring that every visitor has a memorable stay in Ol Pejeta Conservancy.