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Kenya Safari destinations

Tsavo East & Tsavo West National Parks

Discover the Wild Majesty of Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks

Kenya’s vast wilderness is home to many national parks, but among them, Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks stand out with their unique landscapes and rich wildlife.

Tsavo East National Park: The Untamed Wilderness

Spanning over 13,747 square kilometers, Tsavo East National Park is celebrated for its rugged and untamed land. The park is notably famous for the:

  • Red Elephants: Named for the red dust prevalent in the area, these elephants are a must-see for any visitor.
  • Arid Plains and Savanna: Offering sprawling landscapes filled with acacia and sparse vegetation.
  • Galana River: This life-giving river snakes through the park, attracting diverse wildlife and ensuring a rich safari experience.

Wildlife Highlights

Tsavo East is a sanctuary for:

  • Lions
  • Leopards
  • Large herds of buffalo
  • Hippos and crocodiles in the Galana River
  • Over 500 bird species, making it a bird watcher’s paradise.

Tsavo West National Park: A Landscape of Contrasts

Covering over 9,065 square kilometers, Tsavo West National Park offers more diverse landscapes and a range of attractions:

  • Mzima Springs: Crystal-clear water springs with an underwater viewing chamber to see hippos and fish.
  • Shetani Lava Flow: A volcanic flow that provides a stark contrast to the greenery of the park.
  • Poacher’s Lookout: An incredible vantage point offering panoramic views of the park.

Wildlife Attractions

The park is renowned for:

  • Black rhino in the Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary
  • Elephants, lions, and cheetahs roaming the plains
  • Rich birdlife including the endangered corncrake and near-threatened Basra Reed Warbler

Combining Tsavo East and West

For the ultimate Kenyan safari experience, combining Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks offers visitors the opportunity to witness a full array of wildlife and landscapes, from semi-arid plains to lush, volcanic oases.

Best Time to Visit

While wildlife can be viewed all year round, the best game viewing is during the dry seasons:

  • January to February
  • June to October

When planning your visit, consider staying at one of the many lodges or camps inside the parks to fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty and serenity of Tsavo.

Embark on a journey to the heart of Kenya’s wilderness and create memories that will last a lifetime at Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks.