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entumoto safari camp-masai mara

Entumoto Safari Camp

Masai Mara Kenya

Entumoto is a private tented safari camp elevated in the hills of the Rift Valley, commanding breath-taking views and sunsets over the Mara plains. The camp has a private conservancy to give you a more intimate and exclusive safari experience as well as direct access into the Masai Mara reserve.

With no fences between the park and the conservancy all the animals you get in the Mara have free reign to come in and out of the conservancy – which is especially exciting during the Great Migration.

Entumoto means meeting point in the local language Maa, which fits well as the camp is situated where the plains meet the hills and where two valleys come together.

entumoto location

Why Entumoto

  • Entumoto is a small private lodge, around 25 guests.  Other lodges in the Mara can be ten times this size. 
  • We can do games drives in the Mara every day, but we also have our private conservancy where the game is more plentiful and accessible.  We can do game drives, game walks and night drives in the conservancy and are often alone with the game rather than waiting our turn amongst other vehicles. 
  • Entumoto has its own vegetable garden, so the food is fresh and our chef is known for his creative dishes. The majority of our staff are local Masai’s which gives the camp an authentic and friendly feel. Environmentally sustainable tourism is an essential part of Entumoto and the whole camp runs on solar power 24/7.
entumoto safari camp

The camp has two tiers of accommodation in Masai Mara split into Entumoto Main and Entumoto Toto. All the tents are made of a multilayered canvas, are custom designed and set a hundred meters apart from each other for your privacy.
Entumoto Main camp

Most guests staying in Entumoto Main stay on an all inclusive basis, including all meals, drinks, game drives and other activities. Many guests in Entumoto Toto come by road with their own vehicles and driver guides and normally stay on a full board basis – which includes all meals but the activities come at an extra cost.

There is also the choice to book our mobile camp for part of the trip, which is a wild and wonderful experience.

Entumoto Main is a luxurious tented camp in the Masai Mara National Reserve. It has 4 family tents and 5 double en-suite tents, all of which are spacious and comfortable. The family tents include two double or twin rooms, two bathrooms, and a central lounge with a fireplace.

Each tent has its own veranda where you can enjoy an early morning coffee, a relaxing afternoon on the sofas, or a sundowner in the evening. And remember, you are in the African bush, so keep your eyes peeled for wildlife in the camp!

Entumoto Main camp

Entumoto Toto camp

Entumoto Toto is our more affordable accommodation option. It has 2 family tents and 3 double en-suite tents, all of which are spacious and comfortable. The Toto tents are furnished in a similar fashion to the Entumoto Main tents, but they do not have views over the conservancy. However, they are located closer to the lounge and dining area, and they are still surrounded by wildlife

All guests can enjoy the pool area, main lounge, dining area, sauna, and other common areas. However, families and small groups who wish for more privacy can use the separate lounge and dining area in Entumoto Toto.

entumoto toto cam

Entumoto Wild camp

You can choose to stay in our mobile camp in the Mara Siana Conservancy. Each tent will come with comfortable beds, chairs and tables, and even a hot shower at the back of the tent. A setup of main dining area, a bar, a kitchen and toilets. In the evening, our staff will light a nice warm fire for guests every night.

This is perfect for families with children who like camping out in the wilderness. It is also great for anyone who wants to get that little bit closer to nature and experience the Masai Mara in a truly authentic way.

entumoto wild camp


Activities in Masai Mara at Entumoto Safari Camp

Entumoto Safari Camp offers a variety of activities for an unforgettable safari experience in Masai Mara. Our experienced guides will take you on game drives, walking safaris, hot air balloon rides, and horseback riding safaris, so you can see the abundant wildlife and learn about the rich culture of the Masai people. Whether you’re a first-time safari-goer or a seasoned traveler, you’re sure to have an unforgettable time at Entumoto Safari Camp.
Game drives

Close encounters with the wild game are a given here – enjoyed from the safety of our specially designed open Land Cruisers. Our highly experienced and licensed guides will tell you all about the wildlife, the flora, the culture and anything else you would like to know about the area.

We can offer game drives in the Mara or within our own conservancy where we have the freedom to off road for a closer look at the wildlife. You can also enjoy night game drives, which are not permitted in the Mara, so you can have a chance to see some of the nocturnal species and cats whilst they’re active and hunting at night.

game drives in Masai mara

Walking safari

Walking safaris are not allowed within the Masai Mara. However within our conservancy you can walk in the surrounding hills with stunning views or into the valley for a chance to get closer to the wildlife on foot. For your safety this is under the close supervision of our guides and askaris.

With the vast knowledge of the bush that the Masai possess – this is a chance to learn how they use nature to their benefit. You will look at animal spoor and droppings, plants and trees that are used for curing ailments and small animals you would not normally notice from inside the vehicles.

Walking Safari within entumoto conservancy

Open air bush meals

The Camp can organise bush meals for you to take on your trip to the Mara or set up a table in the conservancy. Bush meals save you coming back to camp if you want to enjoy a full day safari, we will pack up a home cooked meal which you can eat under the shade of an acacia tree overlooking the Mara plains.

dining in the bush


The Camp offer the chance to watch the sunset at some beautiful locations within the conservancy. We can set up a bush fire, and offer a mix of wines, beers and spirits whilst you enjoy the beautiful scenery and wildlife surrounding you. This combines with a short night drive back to the camp and the chance to sport some nocturnal animals.

Suset on the plains of Masai Mara

Cultural trips

The land that makes up the conservancy is leased from local Masai families – we can thereby offer unchallenged insights and genuine cultural experiences of the Masai lifestyle and trips to the local Manyattas.

A sponsor-visit to the Rescue Centre to support the girls that have run away from their homes will be a memorable experience. Listening to the stories of how they have been exploited by their families for early marriage and FGM (which is against the law in Kenya) can be emotional as well as an eye-opening experience.

Masai Boma

Conservancy bike rides/runs

The Camp have a stunning bike ride around the conservancy. This loop is relatively flat so suits all levels and gives you a great chance to bike close to the giraffe and other plains game.

If you wish to run we can organise a guide. We will have a vehicle follow you as a safety precaution and you can hop on at any time if you run out of steam.

mountain biking

Swimming/ yoga/ volleyball

The camp has activities of its own on offer with a swimming pool, volleyball net and yoga deck. A large tent shades the lounge and bar area and the library offers some interesting reading and some competitive board games.


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